Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 18

This was a busy day for us! Our local running club hosts a series of kids' races in the summer, and today was Riley's first! He ran 1/8 of a mile with the other 3- and 4-year-olds.

Riley showing off his bib number (and he was a little leary of the whole situation since it was his first time).

Waiting at the start line (I'm standing in the middle of the pic in a green shirt holding Riley for the picture).

Ready, set, GO!

 Riley's official time!

He got a blue ribbon for finishing... I think he was a little overwhelmed by the whole experience (plus it was REALLY humid out this morning!)

After the race we visited one of the clowns that were there to get a cool balloon hat.

That afternoon we went to our playgroup's annual picnic! Jonah hung out with little cutie Cole...

... and with his favorite snuggler (after Mommy, of course) Keri.

Riley and his pal Charlie rode around in cars (and got a tow back up the hill from Charlie's dad!)

Riley was excited when he finished a game so he could get a prize.

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