Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 9

This afternoon proved to be very interesting... our church is part of an emergency sheltering program for homeless women in Bethlehem. So each Wednesday night in the winter, 8-10 women come for dinner, spend the night and then eat breakfast at the church in the morning. We were making part of the dinner this week - while I was prepping the food our power went out. We were going to run the food over to my mom's house to bake it before dropping it at church. I had the boys all ready to go, when I realized that the car was in the garage and I had no idea how to get the garage door open with no power! (I now know that there's a way to get the door open when the power goes out.) My mom was nice enough to run over to our house to get the food and drop it at church for me. We ordered pizza for dinner and then watched a movie on my laptop before dinner by candlelight. The power came on at about 7:30 that night, 4.5 hours after it first went out!

Riley, showing me he's ready to go:

When we learned we'd be spending the rest of the day at home, Riley decided to catch up on his reading and Jonah did what he does best... tear around the house:

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