Out of nowhere in the car, Riley says, "Mommy, we need more money. We need ALL the money."
(May 24, 2011)
At a stop light this afternoon we saw a large horse trailer driving by... this conversation followed:
Riley: "Mommy, are there horses in there?"
Sarah: "No, I think it was empty."
Riley: "Where are the horses?"
Sarah: "I don't know. Maybe they're on vacation at a farm! Do you think horses go on vacation?"
Riley: "No, they don't go on vacation because horses can't go on an airplane! Airplanes are only for people, Mommy."
(May 24.2011)
Sarah: "My throat hurts."
Riley: "Does your throat need a band-aid?"
(May 1, 2011)
"Mommy look at that driveway... it's so beautiful!!"
(April 29, 2011 after having to watch the Royal Wedding with me and hearing me gush about everything)
Sarah, lifting Riley into the car: "Boy, you're heavy!"
Riley: "You need bigger muscles!"
(January 2011)
Sarah, after a long day: "Riley, I'm pooped!"
Riley, confused look on his face: "You need a new diaper?"
(August 2010)