Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7

Riley's first 3-year-old storytime at the Lower Macungie Library was this afternoon, and when we got there we found a special surprise! Theresa had made a gift to the library earlier this summer in honor of both boys' birthdays, and the children's librarian, Miss Erin, picked out new books for the library with her gift. Today she had the books she bought from Riley's gift all ready for the shelves, and she gave them to us to check out first! Each book has a dedication plate in the front cover that says "Happy 3rd Birthday, Riley! Love, Aunt TT".


We can't wait to see what Miss Erin picks out with Jonah's gift!

1 comment:

  1. How cool is that?! Adorable pictures of R with the books! Why haven't I thought of this before? Katherine is the biggest library junkie ever, I bet she'd love this idea.
