Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sisters in Seattle!

I'm so thankful that Abe has some control over his travel schedule because last week I was able to be away for 3 days to go see Theresa! This was my first time being away from the boys for more than 12 hours, and leaving was really hard, but coming home was so sweet. Abe brought the boys into the airport and as soon as Riley saw me walking down the hallway he started running my way and Jonah soon followed. Love them!

This pile of cuteness was snuggled in my bed as I was getting ready to leave (making it even harder!)

It's very true that there's no snow removal equipment in Seattle - our walk from the train station to T's house was interesting! Luckily some locals were cheering us along...

 My friend Cynthia (who I used to work with at the Girl Scouts) now lives in Seattle, so we had lunch on Friday!

Sake & cough syrup is a great combo!

Theresa and I are time sharing this purse that we found since neither one of us wanted to pay full price for it... clearly it's not my turn.

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